
Reimagining Tradition: The Politics of Succession in Colonial Buganda

Public Deposited

The completion of this study could not have been possible without the invaluable support of several individuals. This work is a revised version of my first year research paper, and as such, I would first like to thank Timothy Breen and my colleagues in the E-70 seminar for their thoughtful comments on the first several drafts. I am particularly grateful to Jonathon Glassman and David Schoenbrun, whose critical readings and words of encouragement provided me with the confidence to connect specific arguments about Buganda with broader theoretical and historical considerations. I would also like to thank Jane Guyer and Holly Hanson for their critical insights on later versions of the paper. Finally, I owe a special debt of gratitude to Mary Ebeling for her editorial efforts.

Last modified
  • 11/12/2018
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