
Cultivate Land by IoT & Drone Technology

Public Deposited

With a large sphere of activity and ability to transfer data through wireless communication system, drones have proven to be more and more useful in both research and manufacturing. Whether by allowing researchers to collect measurements or filmmakers to attain aerial shots, the use of drone has allowed collection of real time data with minimum human intervention. In the field of agriculture, steady water levels and optimal crop conditions have been hard to maintain due to extreme and fluctuating weather conditions caused by global warming. By employing technology to gather data on soil moisture level and trigger appropriate response from water supply system, this paper constructs a water management method that only releases water when needed and requires minimum human labor in the process. With system and program designed through Arduino, this paper designs and tests various aspects of the model, gathering measurements through drone sensors, accumulating data through wireless communication, and enabling remote control of reclaimed rainwater supply through Smartphone application. The method was shown to be not only environmentally friendly and economically sound, but also user-friendly, as it allowed easy access and analysis of data and wireless remote control of water pumps through keys on the Smartphone application. The implications of this research is that through use of sensors, drones, and IoT communication, data can be gathered and used to trigger automatic response from various management systems, especially those in remote or hazardous areas that favor minimal human interaction.

Last modified
  • 06/13/2018
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