function MuscleDenoise % ----------------- INPUTS ----------------- % Original dti file: original diffusion-weighted NIFTI image, should be in working directory (EX: 'dti.nii.gz') % Mask for dti image: arm mask for NIFTI image, should be in working directory (EX: 'dti_arm_mask.nii.gz') % ----------------- OUTPUT ---------------- % Denoised NIFTI file of diffusion-weighted iamges: file name is 'dti_dn.nii.gz' % ----------------- NOTES ----------------- % - Download and use MRI_lmmse function: SANTIAGO AJA-FERNANDEZ (2023). LMMSE filter for Rician MRI data (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved May 9, 2023. % - Download and use MATLAB NIFTI toolbox: Jimmy Shen (2023). Tools for NIfTI and ANALYZE image (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved May 9, 2023. % - Lines 28-29: replace with desired sigma and Ws values %% Load Original Diffusion-Weighted Image and Mask disp('Loading original data'); % Load DTI data from current working directory DWI_orig = load_untouch_nii('dti.nii.gz'); % Load the diffusion-weighted NIFTI image as a structure DWI_orig_img = double(DWI_orig.img); % Get the image from the structure DWI_mask = load_untouch_nii('dti_arm_mask.nii.gz'); % Load the mask NIFTI image as a structure DWI_mask_img = double(DWI_mask.img); % Load the mask NIFTI image as a structure %% Initialize Containers and Values % Initialize containers DWI_dim = size(DWI_orig_img); % Find size of original diffusion-weighted image DWI_dn_img = zeros(DWI_dim); % Create an array of this size % Define denoising parameters sigma = 7; % Standard deviation estimated in diffusion-weighted images Ws = [3,3]; % Square window used for estimation %% Denoise Image disp('Denoising data'); % Double loop to apply LMMSE filter on each slice for i=1:DWI_dim(4) % Loop through each DWI volume (4th dimension) for j=1:DWI_dim(3) % Loop through each z-slice (3rd dimension) DWI_orig_2d = squeeze(DWI_orig_img(:,:,j,i)); % Make into a 2D array dn=MRI_lmmse(DWI_orig_2d,Ws,'sigma',sigma); % Apply MRI_lmmse filter DWI_dn_img(:,:,j,i) = dn.*squeeze(DWI_mask_img(:,:,j)); % Mask the denoised image end fprintf('Volume %s denoised\n',num2str(i)); end %% Save Denoised Image disp('Saving NIFTI structures'); DWI_dn_nii = make_nii(DWI_dn_img); % Make NIFTI structure and save it to current working directory DWI_dn_nii.hdr = DWI_orig.hdr; % Save original header to new NIFTI structure save_nii(DWI_dn_nii,'dti_dn.nii.gz'); % Save denoised NIFTI file disp('Denoising done!'); exit; end