Data: FILE = longitudinal_dyadic wide2.csv; VARIABLE: NAMES = id dyadid person idp lengthymean index deps audits cudits sats trusts commits csts cons micros isms psss vics sods ismp microp pssp vicp sodp satp trustp commitp cstp conp depp auditp cuditp depsl auditsl cuditsl satsl trustsl commitsl cstsl consl satpl trustpl commitpl cstpl conpl deppl auditpl cuditpl noncis pover29; Missing = ALL(-999); UseVariables are psss pssp cstsl consl csts cons cstpl conpl cstp conp cudits cuditsl lengthymean satsl trustsl commitsl satpl trustpl commitpl satp trustp commitp sats trusts commits; cluster= dyadid; !identifies clustering variable within are psss pssp cstsl consl csts cons cstpl conpl cstp conp satsl trustsl commitsl satpl trustpl commitpl satp trustp commitp sats trusts commits; between = lengthymean; !relationship length only varies at the couple level DEFINE: center lengthymean (grandmean); !grandmean centers relationship lengths ANALYSIS: ESTIMATOR = MLR; Type = twolevel; !two-level multilevel model MODEL: %WITHIN% NRIac BY csts cons; !Creates time t actor negative relationship interaction (NRI) latent variable NRIpc BY cstp conp; !Creates time t current partner NRI latent variable [NRIac@0 NRIpc@0]; !Mean centers NRI latent variables NRIalag BY cstsl consl; !Creates time t-1 actor NRI latent variable NRIplag BY cstpl conpl; !Creates time t-1 partner NRI latent variable [NRIalag@0 NRIplag@0]; RQac BY sats trusts commits; !Creates time t actor relationship quality (RQ) latent variable RQPc BY satp trustp commitp; !Creates time t partner RQ latent variable [RQpc@0 RQac@0]; RQal BY satsl trustsl commitsl; !Creates time t-1 actor RQ latent variable RQPl BY satpl trustpl commitpl; !Creates time t-1 partner RQ latent variable [RQpl@0 RQal@0]; RQac with NRIac; !Allows time t actor RQ and NRI to correlate RQpc with NRIpc; !Allows time t partner RQ and NRI to correlate cudits ON cuditsl !cudit at time t-1 prediting cudit at time t; controls for cudit at the previous timepoint. psss !Actor effect of general stress (time t-1) on cudit (time t). pssp !Partner effect of general stress (time t-1) on cudit (time t). NRIac (Bac) !Actor effect of NRI (time t) on cudit (time t). NRIpc (Bpc) !Partner effect of NRI (time t) on cudit (time t). RQac (bacr) !Actor effect of RQ (time t) on cudit (time t). RQpc (bpcr) !Partner effect of NRI (time t) on cudit (time t). ; NRIac ON psss (Aac) !Actor effect of general stress (time t-1) on NRI (time t) pssp (Apc) !Partner effect of general stress (time t-1) on NRI (time t) ; RQac ON psss (aacr) !Actor effect of general stress (time t-1) on RQ (time t) pssp (apcr) !Partner effect of general stress (time t-1) on RQ (time t) ; !Time t-1 latent variables predicting their parallel time t latent variable. This controls for latent variable at prior timepoint. NRIac on NRIalag; NRIpc on NRIplag; RQac on RQal; RQpc on RQpl; %BETWEEN% cudits on lengthymean; !Controlling for relationship length's effect on average cudit score cuditsl; MODEL CONSTRAINTS: new(caa cap cpa cpp); caa = Aac*Bac; !Calculating indirect effect coefficient for actor actor effect (actor effect of general stress on NRI; actor effect of NRI on cudit) cap = Aac*Bpc; !Calculating indirect effect coefficient for actor partner effect (actor effect of general stress on NRI; partner effect of NRI on cudit) cpa = Apc*Bac; !Calculating indirect effect coefficient for partner actor effect (partner effect of general stress on NRI; actor effect of NRI on cudit) cpp = Apc*Bpc; !Calculating indirect effect coefficient for partner partner effect (parnter effect of general stress on NRI; partner effect of NRI on cudit) OUTPUT: STAND SAMPstat tech1 tech3;