function [DTItracts,M,nan_rows] = FindCoordinates_Probabilistic(DTItracts,path) % ----------------- INPUT ----------------- % DTItracts: structure created in "MuscleParameters_Probabilistic" function % path: string of pathway directory of where the tracked files are located (EX: 'FCU/thresholded/sample*.nii.gz') % ----------------- OUTPUT ----------------- % DTItracts: structure with the fields % - M: the generated number of tracts % - nan_rows: logical array for rows (samples) that were eliminated due to non-tracking or low intensity % - overall_anat_length: Mx2 vector of actual lengths of each m-th fiber (2nd col) (1st col = fiber index) % - max_intensity: Mx2 vector of actual lengths of each m-th fiber (2nd col) (1st col = fiber index) % - anat_coord: Mx1 vector of anatomical space coordinates for each m-th fiber % - vox_coord_dti: Mx1 vector of DTI space coordinates for each m-th fiber % - vox_coord_t1: Mx1 vector of T1 space coordinates for each m-th fiber % - tracts_xyz: 3x(n*M) array of all points of all fibers (anatomical space) % - tracts_xyz_DTIspace: 3x(n*M) array of all points of all fibers (DTI space) % - tracts_xyz_T1space: 3x(n*M) array of all points of all fibers (T1 space) % - fibindex: Mx2 array of start index and end index (in tracts_xyz) of each m-th fiber %% Load Files and Initialize Containers % List Filenames of Tracts in Order list_files = dir(path); % List all filenames in the directory M = length(list_files); % M = # of fibers filenames = natsortfiles({}); % Sort file names in order of tract number filenames = filenames'; % Create Mx1 cell array of filenames for each m-th tract path_prefix = list_files(1).folder; % Find directory name in which all the tracts are stored % Initialize Containers voxIMG = cell(M,1); % Empty cell array for each tract's coordinates array -- DTI MRI space voxel coordinates voxIMG_real = cell(M,1); % Empty cell array for each tract's coordinates array, after elimination of invalid coordinates -- DTI MRI space voxel coordinates voxT1 = cell(M,1); % Empty cell array for each tract's coordinates array -- T1 MRI space voxel coordinates voxANAT = cell(M,1); % Empty cell array for each tract's coordinates array -- Anatomical space voxel coordinates DTItracts.overall_anat_length = zeros(M,2); % Empty container for anatomical space lengths of each tract (1st col = fiber #, 2nd col = lengths) DTItracts.max_intensity = zeros(M,2); % Empty container for maximum intensity in each tract (1st col = fiber #, 2nd col = intensities) DTItracts.anat_coord = cell(M,1); % Empty container for anatomical coordinates in each tract, each (cols 1-3 = x,y,z) DTItracts.vox_coord_dti = cell(M,1); % container for DTI space voxel coordinates in each tract, each (cols 1-3 = x,y,z) DTItracts.vox_coord_t1 = cell(M,1); % container for T1 space voxel coordinates in each tract, each (cols 1-3 = x,y,z) %% Find Coordinates f = waitbar(0,'Finding coordinates and calculating distances'); % Create wait bar to show progress pause(0.5) for m = 1:M % for each tract saved waitbar(m/M ,f); %% Setup DTItracts.overall_anat_length(m,1) = DTItracts.seed_array(m,1); % Specify seedpoint number, save to array pathname = strcat(path_prefix,'/',filenames{m}); % Name the path to the tract A = load_untouch_nii(pathname); % Load NIFTI structure tract = A.img; % Get image from the structure % Get transformation (image space to anatomical space) matrix tf_matrix = [A.hdr.hist.srow_x; A.hdr.hist.srow_y; A.hdr.hist.srow_z; 0 0 0 1]; %% Extract Coordinates and Intensity Values in an Nx4 Matrix % N = number of rows = number of voxels the tract contains % x = column 1 = x-coordinates in MRI space % y = column 2 = y-coordinates in MRI space % z = column 3 = z-coordinates in MRI space idx = find(tract); % Find linear indices of all NON-ZERO intensity values % Delete seedpoint numbers that did not track if isempty(idx) % If there is no tract (did not track, did not meet termination/waypoints conditions, etc) fprintf('Deleting sample %i because it was not tracked \n', m) DTItracts.overall_anat_length(m,2) = NaN; % Replace length with NaN % Find and save coordinates of tracts (seedpoints that did track) else [row, col, slice] = ind2sub(size(tract),idx); % Separate indices to subscripts to find x,y,z mri_matrix = [row(:), col(:), slice(:), tract(idx)]; % Matrix of all non-zero voxels tracked, with xyz coordinates (col 1-3) and intensity (col 4) % Save Maximum Intensity DTItracts.max_intensity(m,1) = m; % Save fiber number DTItracts.max_intensity(m,2) = max(mri_matrix(:,4)); % Save maximum intensity of that tract % Find range of z-coordinates for the tract inf_z = min(mri_matrix(:,3)); % Find most inferior (minimum) z-slice of tract sup_z = max(mri_matrix(:,3)); % Find most superior (maximum) z-slice of tract voxIMG{m} = zeros(sup_z - inf_z,3); % Create empty container: rows are # points in tract, columns are xyz coordinates for each point for i = inf_z:sup_z % For each slice that was tracked from inferior --> superior if ismember(i,mri_matrix(:,3)) % If that slice was part of tracking v = find(mri_matrix(:,3) == i); % Find rows for which voxels in the tract are in this slice if size(v,1) <= 2 % If the number of coordinates (rows) in that slice are <= 3, tract is just noise voxIMG{m}((i-inf_z)+1,:) = NaN(1,3); % Do not count that slice (replace with NaN) else w = find(mri_matrix(v,4) == max(mri_matrix(v,4))); % Find which voxel in this slice has the maximum intensity if length(w) > 1 % If there are multiple voxels with tied maximum intensity, just take the first one w = w(1); end u = v(w); % Find the corresponding index row for that voxel voxIMG{m}((i-inf_z)+1,:) = mri_matrix(u,1:3); % Extract the xyz coordinates of the voxel with maximum intensity end else % If that slice was not part of tracking voxIMG{m}((i-inf_z)+1,:) = NaN(1,3); % Replace coordinates with NaN end end % Delete the seedpoints that did not have proper tracts nan_rows1 = any(isnan(voxIMG{m}),2); % Find which rows have NaN for coordinates voxIMG{m}(nan_rows1,:)=[]; % Delete these rows % Make sure tracts span consecutive slices slices_vector = voxIMG{m}(:,3); % Create vector of just z-coordinates (slices) D = diff([0;diff(slices_vector)==1;0]); % Take the difference start_slice = slices_vector(D > 0); % Vector of beginning slice for each consecutive block end_slice = slices_vector(D < 0); % Vector of end slice for each consecutive block k = find((slices_vector(D<0) - slices_vector(D>0)) == max(slices_vector(D<0) - slices_vector(D>0))); % Find which tracts spans most slices if numel(k) == 1 % If one continuous tract idx1 = find(slices_vector == start_slice(k)); idx2 = find(slices_vector == end_slice(k)); voxIMG_real{m} = voxIMG{m}(idx1:idx2,:); % Save the coordinates to the new array else % if there are multiple portions that are the same maximum length voxIMG_real{m} = voxIMG{m}; % Save all the coordinates to the new array end % Transform to anatomical coordinates for j = 1:size(voxIMG_real{m},1) % For each final voxel coordinates in the tract anat_coord = tf_matrix * [voxIMG_real{m}(j,1:3)';1]; % Multiply coordiantes by transformation matrix (4x1 = 4x4 * 4x1) voxANAT{m}(j,1:3) = anat_coord(1:3,:)'; % Save an Nx3 array of voxel Anatomical space coordinates end %% Calculate Distances and Lengths % Calculate distance between each coordinate in the tract distance = zeros(size(voxANAT{m},1) - 1 , 1); % Create empty container: distance between each coordinate in array for d = 1 : (size(voxANAT{m},1) - 1) % For each of the coordinates distance(d,:) = pdist2(voxANAT{m}(d,:),voxANAT{m}(d+1,:)); % Calculate the distance between that coordinate and the next one end % Sum all the distances to get the overall tract length in anatomical space DTItracts.overall_anat_length(m,2) = sum(distance); DTItracts.anat_coord{m} = voxANAT{m}; %% Save Voxel Coordinates in DTI space and T1 space % Transform coordinates from DTI space to T1 space dti_to_t1_matrix = load('dti_reg2t1.mat','-ascii'); % Load inverse transformation matrix for j = 1:size(voxIMG_real{m},1) % For each voxel that is extracted t1_coord = dti_to_t1_matrix * [voxIMG_real{m}(j,1:3)';1]; % Multiply coordiantes by transformation matrix (4x1 = 4x4 * 4x1) voxT1{m}(j,1:3) = t1_coord(1:3,:)'; % Save an Nx3 array of voxel T1 space coordinates end % Save Voxel Coordinates in MRI Space (DTI and T1) DTItracts.vox_coord_dti{m} = voxIMG_real{m}; DTItracts.vox_coord_t1{m} = voxT1{m}; end end close(f) % Close wait bar %% Eliminate samples that have NaN (either because empty, low intensity, or outside length bounds) % Find which rows have NaN nan_rows = any(isnan(DTItracts.overall_anat_length),2); DTItracts.nan_rows = nan_rows; % Eliminate these rows from saved arrays DTItracts.overall_anat_length(nan_rows,:) = []; DTItracts.max_intensity(nan_rows,:) = []; DTItracts.anat_coord(nan_rows) = []; DTItracts.vox_coord_dti(nan_rows) = []; DTItracts.vox_coord_t1(nan_rows) = []; voxANAT(nan_rows) = []; voxIMG_real(nan_rows) = []; voxT1(nan_rows) = []; %% Input all coordinates and indices into structures for further calculations disp('Creating structures'); % Field tracts_xyz: 3 x N array containing the xyz-coordinates of all points of all tracts % x-coord = row 1; y-coord = row 2; z-coord = row 3 % Field fibindex: containing the start index (first column) and end index (second column) of the tracts points of a tract % M = number of tracts in the set; N = (point in each tract) * M = number of points total in all tracts M = length(DTItracts.overall_anat_length); % Find new size -- how many M tracts after eliminations n = zeros(M,1); % Intialize container to have size of all the M tracts % Initialize arrays for first tract for m = 1 n(m) = size(voxANAT{m},1); % Find how many points are in the tract DTItracts.tracts_xyz(:, 1 : n(m) ) = voxANAT{m}'; % Save as 3 x N array with xyz coordinates (anatomical space) DTItracts.tracts_xyz_DTIspace(:, 1 : n(m) ) = voxIMG_real{m}'; % Save as 3 x N array with xyz coordinates (DTI space) DTItracts.tracts_xyz_T1space(:, 1 : n(m) ) = voxT1{m}'; % Save as 3 x N array with xyz coordinates (T1 space) DTItracts.fibindex(m,:) = [1, n(m)]; % Save as M x 2 array end % Fill in arrays for the rest of the fibers for m = 2:M n(m) = size(voxANAT{m},1); % Find how many points are in the tract % each tract starts at fibindex(previous,2)+1, fills in n(current) columns % initial value will be 1 (column 1 for tracts_xyz, row 1 for fibindex) % final value will be N (column end for tracts_xyz, row end for fibindex) DTItracts.tracts_xyz(:, DTItracts.fibindex(m-1,2) + 1 : DTItracts.fibindex(m-1,2) + n(m) ) = voxANAT{m}'; % Save as 3 x N array with xyz coordinates (anatomical space) DTItracts.tracts_xyz_DTIspace(:, DTItracts.fibindex(m-1,2) + 1 : DTItracts.fibindex(m-1,2) + n(m) ) = voxIMG_real{m}'; % Save as 3 x N array with xyz coordinates (DTI space) DTItracts.tracts_xyz_T1space(:, DTItracts.fibindex(m-1,2) + 1 : DTItracts.fibindex(m-1,2) + n(m) ) = voxT1{m}'; % Save as 3 x N array with xyz coordinates (T1 space) DTItracts.fibindex(m,:) = [DTItracts.fibindex(m-1,2) + 1, DTItracts.fibindex(m-1,2) + n(m)]; % Save as M x 2 array end end