Data: FILE = longitudinal_dyadic wide2.csv; VARIABLE: NAMES = id dyadid person idp lengthymean index deps audits cudits sats trusts commits csts cons micros isms psss vics sods ismp microp pssp vicp sodp satp trustp commitp cstp conp depp auditp cuditp depsl auditsl cuditsl satsl trustsl commitsl cstsl consl satpl trustpl commitpl cstpl conpl deppl auditpl cuditpl noncis pover29; Missing = ALL(-999); UseVariables are csts cons sats trusts commits; cluster= dyadid; within are ; between = ; ANALYSIS: ESTIMATOR = MLR; Type = twolevel ; MODEL: %WITHIN% NRIac BY csts cons; [NRIac@0]; RQac BY sats trusts commits; [RQac@0]; RQac with NRIac ; NRIac(wpv1); RQac(wpv2); %BETWEEN% NRIacb BY csts cons; [NRIacb@0]; NRIacb(bpv1); RQacb BY sats trusts commits; [RQacb@0]; RQacb(bpv2); RQacb with NRIacb ; MODEL CONSTRAINT: new(NRIicc RQicc); NRIicc = bpv1/(bpv1+wpv1); !ICC for NRI RQicc = bpv2/(bpv2+wpv2); !ICC for RQ Plot: Type = plot3; OUTPUT: svalues residual STAND SAMPstat CINT Modindices(2) tech1 tech2 tech3;