
On Cyclic Robots for the Lower Limb

Public Deposited

There is a need for cyclic robots that interact with lower limbs. Such robots will bring new programmability to exercise, rehabilitation, psychophysiology, and physiology, allowing for complete customization of the foot pedal path and dynamics. These robots are novel to the robotics research ¯eld as well, since conventional robotic designs and techniques are not extendable to the cyclic, large inertia, and high power nature of lower- limb interaction. This thesis presents and analyzes a promising design for a cyclic lower-limb robot. It discusses the incorporation of inertia, damping, and path actuation into the device, and the acceptability and implications of traveling repeatedly through singularities. Results from an in-depth simulation show that the device's clever design allows it to keep the user's foot pedal on the desired path with a reasonably sized damper and motor.

Last modified
  • 08/02/2018
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